Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011


The fall of my choice to the Prophet Muhammad in the first order Hundred list of influential figures in the world might surprise while readers may be a question mark and some others. But I stick to my conviction, he was the Prophet Muhammad was the only man in history who managed to achieve remarkable successes both judging from the size and scope of secular religion.
Origin of a simple family, Muhammad uphold and propagate one of the world's largest religion, Islam. And at the same time appears as a tough leader, genuine, and effective. Today thirteen centuries after his death, his influence remains strong and profound, and rooted.
Most of the people listed in this book is a lucky creature because it was born and raised in centers of human civilization, berkultur high and where the political turnaround of the nations. Muhammad was born in the year 570 AD, in Mecca, in the little southern Arabian Peninsula, a place that time was the most backward regions in the world, far from the center of commerce, art and science. Being orphaned at age six, grew up in a situation around a simple and humble. Islamic sources mention that Muhamnmad an illiterate. The new economic situation began to improve at the age of twenty-five years old when he married a widow, resides. However, until nearly forty years of barely visible clues keluarbiasaannya as human beings.
Generally, the Arabs at that time did not embrace a particular religion but a pagan in the town of Mecca there is a small number of adherents, followers of Judaism and Christianity, and the chances of Muhammad for the first time they heard about the existence of one Almighty God, who set up throughout nature. When he was forty years old, Muhammad was convinced that Almighty God is to communicate something to him and chose to become disseminators of right belief.
During the three years to spread the religion of Muhammad is only limited to close friends and relatives. 613 when entering the new year he began performing in public. As soon as he gradually got followers, the ruler of Mecca saw him as a dangerous man, trouble maker. In the year 622, worried about his safety, Muhammad migrated to Medina, a city north of Mecca is 200 miles. In that city he was offered the position of political power that is quite convincing.
The events of this move is an important turning point for the life of the Prophet. In Mecca he had difficulty obtaining a small number of followers, and followers in Medina growing at a brisk pace so that he can gain influence that makes it a real power holders. In subsequent years while the followers of Muhammad unfolding everywhere like mushrooms, a spate of fighting broke out between Mektah and Medina. This war ended in 630 with Muhammad's victory at the party, returned to Mecca as conqueror. The remaining two and a half years of his life he had witnessed tremendous progress in terms of rapid Arab tribes embraced Islam. And when Muhammad died in 632, he was sure he was as effective authority throughout the south of the Arabian Peninsula.
Bedewi tribes have a tradition of hereditary as soldiers are tough and brave. But their numbers are few and always tempted divisions and confront each other mutually. That is why they can not beat the army of the kingdoms established in the agricultural areas in the northern hemisphere. However, Muhammad's first person in history, thanks to a strong impetus to the oneness of God belief, a small Arab armies were able to perform an astonishing series of conquests in human history. In the northeast of the New Persian Empire Arab stand Sassanids wide. In northwestern Arabia stands the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire with Constantinople as its center.
Judging from the point of the number and size, clearly would not be able to deal with Arabs. However, in the field of battle, Arab soldiers burning zeal with lightning strokes can conquer Mesopotamia, Syrians, and Palestinians. In 642 Egypt was taken from the grip of the Byzantine Empire, and meanwhile the Persian army got beat in a battle that was crucial in Qadisiya year in Nehavend 637 and 642 years.
However, large-scale conquest - under the leadership of the Prophet's companions and his successor Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab - it shows no signs stop there. In the year 711, Arab armies had swept North Africa up to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. From there they turned north and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and confront the Visigothic kingdom in Spain.

Power Map of Islamic kingdom of about 632-740
At first glance one should think the Muslims will cut down all of Christian Europe. But in the year 732, in the famous battle and terrible in Tours, one of the Muslim forces that had advanced to the center of the French interior eventually beaten by the Franks. Even so, in just secuwil century battles, the people of this Bedewi-imbued with the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, had established an empire stretching from the Indian border to the white sand beach of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest empire ever known to human history. And no matter where conquest by Muslim armies, always followed by a flock bondongnya followers into Islam.
Apparently, not all conquest is permanent. The Persians, though still remain faithful followers of Islam, regained its independence from Arab hands. And in Spain, after over seven centuries of warfare finally defeated by the Christians. Meanwhile, Mesopotamia and Egypt, the birthplace of two ancient cultures, remained in Arab hands as well as the entire northern coast of Africa. Islam, of course, continue to spread from one century to another century, stepped away from the conquered regions. Generally, the millions of Muslims scattered in Africa, Central Asia, especially Pakistan and northern India and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the new Islamic religion is a unifying factor. In the Indian subcontinent, almost the opposite: the new religion became the main causes of disunity.
Is the influence of the Prophet Muhammad the most fundamental to the history of mankind? Like other religions, Islam has an enormous influence on its adherents. That is why the spreader-spreader major religions in the world can all be places in this book. If measured by the number, the number of adherents of Christian twice the size of the adherents of Islam, with a question mark arises what the reason for placing the order of the Prophet Muhammad is higher than the Prophet Jesus in the list. There are two main reasons that so my grip. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of the role of Islam than Jesus of Christian Religion. Even Jesus is responsible for the basic teachings of Christian morals and ethics (to some extent different from Judaism), St.. Paul is the main disseminator of Christian theology figures, figures penyebarnya, and author of the largest part of the Old Testament.
Instead Muhammad was not only responsible for the theology of Islam but it also points to the ethical and moral. Moreover he is "registrar" Book of Holy Quran, a collection of revelations to Muhammad that he believed came directly from God. The vast majority of this revelation was copied with great sincerity during Muhammad's time and then collected in a form that does not tergoyangkan shortly after he died. The Quran is thus closely related to the views of Muhammad and his teachings because he relied on God's revelation. In contrast, none of which are so detailed collection of the teachings of Jesus that can still be found in the present. Since the Al-Quran for the Muslims more or less equal importance with the Gospel for Christians, the influence of Muhammad through the intermediary of the Al-Quran teramatlah magnitude. Possible influence of Muhammad in Islam is greater than the influence of Jesus and St. Paul Christian in the world combined. Measured from the purely religious angle, it seems that the influence of Muhammad Isa equivalent in the history of humanity.
Furthermore (unlike Jesus) Muhammad is not only religious leaders but also leaders of the world. The fact is, as the driving force against the motion made conquests of the Arabs, the influence of political leadership is in leading position all the time.
From various historical events, one might say it could happen without the leadership of someone special who they are headed. For example, the colonies in South America might be able to free themselves from Spanish colonialism even though Simon Bolivar had never existed in the world. But, this example does not apply to the motion made conquests of the Arabs. No similar incidents before Muhammad, and there is no reason to deny that the conquest could occur and succeed without Muhammad. The only similarity in terms of conquests in human history in the 13th century the most basic part thanks to the influence of Genghis Khan. This conquest, though far-reaching than what the Arabs, it is not able to prove the establishment, and now the only areas occupied by the Mongols was the same before the time of Genghis Khan
This clearly shows a big difference with the conquest by the Arabs. Extending from Iraq to Morocco, the chain stretches a united Arab nation, not only to the fad of Islam but also from the Department of Arabic, history and culture. The central position of the Qur'an among Muslims and written in Arabic, most likely the reason why the Arabic language is not fragmented into dialects that berantarakan. If not, probably would have happened in the century l3. Arab differences and the division into several states would occur, of course, and in fact did so, but the divisions that are in parts that do not necessarily make us negligent that their unity is still tangible. But neither Iran nor Indonesia are both populous Muslim country and both are oil producers, did not join in the attitude of the oil embargo in the winter of 1973 to 1974. Instead of goods is not a coincidence that all the Arab countries, exclusively Arab country, which take the oil embargo.
So, can we see, which made the conquest of the Arabs in the 7th century continue to play an important role in the history of mankind to date. In terms of this I assess the incomparable combination between their religion and worldly aspects inherent to the influence of Muhammad himself, so I think Muhammad was a private in the sense of the most influential man in human

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