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Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Braunau am Inn, Austria, close to Germany on 20 April 1889 as the fourth child of six children. Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Hitler (1837-1903), was an employee of the customs office. While his mother, Klara Pölzl (1860-1907), was the third wife of Alois. Hitler family moved moved from Braunau am Inn to Passau, Lambach, Leonding, and Linz. Small Hitler was a good student at school in junior high school (elementary school). But in sixth grade, his first year in high school (high school), he failed and had to repeat the grade. Hitler later claimed that the failure was caused by the rebellion of his father, Adolf Hitler who wanted to follow a career as a customs officer. Adolf Hitler wanted to be a painter than follow his father's footsteps. After Alois died on January 3, 1903, there were no significant developments in education at the school. At age 16, he left school without any degree.
Early adulthood
From 1905, Hitler's bohemian life in Vienna with the support of her mother. He was rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (1907-1908). On December 21, 1907, Hitler's mother died of breast cancer at the age of 47. Ordered by the court Linz, Hitler gave his share of the pension (as orphans) to his sister Paula. When she was 21, he received a legacy from an aunt. Hitler as a struggling painter in Vienna, copying pictures from postcards and selling his paintings to tourists. Having declined for the second time in art school, Hitler ran out of money. In 1909, he lived in shelters for the homeless. Hitler received the last part of his father's property in May 1913 and moved to Munich. Hitler's move to Munich also helped him avoid military service in Austria, but Austrian troops finally caught him. After physical examination, Hitler declared ineligible for the army and allowed to return to Munich. However, when Germany entered the arena of World War I in August 1914, Hitler had petitioned the King Ludwig III of Bavaria to allow him to serve on the Bavarian regiments. The petition is granted, and Adolf Hitler was recorded in the Bavarian army.World War I
Hitler served in France and Belgium in the 16th Regiment Reserves Into Bavaria, ending the war as Gefreiter (equivalent to the soldier's head in the UK and the U.S. army at the time). He was involved in several major battles on the Western Front, including the Battle of Ypres, Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Passchendaele. Battle of Ypres (October 1914), known in Germany as Kindermord bei Ypern (Massacre of Innocent People), sacrificing about 40,000 people (between one third to one half) of the nine infantry are killed within twenty days, and the company of Hitler himself was reduced from 250 to 42 people in December. Hitler was twice decorated for his bravery acquire. He received the Iron Cross decoration, Second Class in 1914 and decorated Iron Cross, First Class in 1918, an honor that is rarely accepted by a Gefreiter. However, because the regimental staff thought Hitler lacked the skills to lead, he never promoted to Unteroffizier (equivalent to British corporal). Other historians say he was not promoted because he was not German nationals. On October 15, 1918, Hitler sent to field hospitals, as experienced temporary blindness due to mustard gas attack.
Hitler kemudian berkecimpung secara langsung dalam politik dan menjadi pengurus Partai Buruh Jerman (bahasa Jerman: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/DAP) pada bulan Juli 1921. Hitler menggunakan kebolehan berpidatonya untuk menjadi ketua partai. Dia kemudian menukar nama DAP menjadi Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) atau partai Nazi.
Pada tahun 1929 NSDAP menjadi pemenang mayoritas dalam pemilihan umum di kota Coburg, dan kemudian memenangi pemilu daerah Thüringen. Presiden Jerman masa itu, Paul von Hindenburg akhirnya melantik Hitler sebagai Kanselir.
The period of government
Pada masa pemerintahannya sebelum Perang Dunia II. Hitler memerintah dengan menetapkan pemerataan ekonomi, meningkatkan lapangan pekerjaan dan sarana sarana umum serta proyek-proyek umum. Salah satu sumbangannya dalam dunia otomotif adalah usulannya untuk membuat kenderaan murah yang dijangkau oleh rakyat Jerman yang akhirnya diwujudkan dalam bentuk mobil Volkswagen (VW).
Pada Juni 1934, di malam yang dikenali sebagai Malam Pisau Panjang (bahasa Jerman: Nacht der langen Messer) Hitler membunuh semua penentangnya dalam partai Nazi yakni Roehm dan para pemimpin SA (Sturm Abteilungen). Hitler juga menyalahkan komunisme dan Yahudi atas situasi ekonomi yang buruk dan berhasil meraih dukungan militer dengan melaksanakan politik pembangunan peralatan militer Jerman. Hitler menyalahkan, menyerang, dan membunuh orang komunis dan Yahudi karena Hitler memiliki dendam pribadi pada orang - orang komunis dan Yahudi, dendam yang menghantui selama masa hidupnya.
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