Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
The same is true with the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Charles Darwin was the inventor of the theory of organic evolution in the sense that natural selection is at the age of sixteen entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, but he considered both medical and anatomical science that makes bored. Soon he moved to Cambridge to learn elements of office administration. Even so, hunt and ride horses in Cambridge digemarinya much more than learning science. And even so, he was nonetheless still able to captivate the attention of one of the Grand Masters are encouraged to participate in a voyage on board HMS investigation Beagle as a naturalist. At first her father objected to this designation. She thought the trip was just kind of pretext alone are reluctant to make Darwin a serious job. Fortunately, later the father could be persuaded, and approved the trip was a journey that ultimately proved to be most valuable in the history of European science.
Darwin began to set sail aboard the Beagle in 1831. At that time he was only twenty-two years. In the five-year voyage, the ship Beagle sailed the world, scour the coast of South America in an exciting pace, explore the Galapagos Islands a quiet secluded, mengambah islands in the Pacific, Ocean Indonesia and the southern Atlantic Ocean. In perkelanaan it, Darwin witnessed many miracles of nature, visiting primitive tribes, found a large number of fossils, examine the various kinds of plants and animals. Furthermore, he made many notes about anything that passes in front of his eyes. These records are the basic ingredient for almost all his work in the future. From the records of these ideas just come, and the events and experiences so support his theories.
Darwin returned to his country in 1836 and twenty years afterwards he published a line of books that made him a famous biologist in the UK. As from 1837, Darwin was convinced that animals and plants are not fixed, but changes in the course of geological history. At that time he was not aware of what causes the occurrence of evolution. In 1838 he read an essay "On the principles of population" of Thomas Malthus. Malthus's book menyuguhkannya facts that push more convinced of natural selection through competition to sustain life. Even after Darwin succeeded in formulating the principles of natural selection, he did not rush to print and publish it. He realized that his theory would invite challenges. Therefore, he takes a long time to carefully prepare the evidence and put the horses to defend the hypothesis if there is an attack.
The outline of his theory written in 1842 and in 1844 he began to compile a lengthy book. In June 1858, when Darwin was still being embellish and refine the book his great work, he received a manuscript from Alfred Russel Wallace (an English naturalist who was located in the East) outlined his own theory of evolution. In each of the basic issues, along with Wallace's theory Darwin's theory! Wallace was developing his theory is really standing on his own and sent the manuscript to Darwin's writings to ask for opinions and commentary from leading scientists that before entering the printing. The situation becomes uncomfortable because it is easily develop into a battle that is not desired to scramble priorities. The solution, both Wallace's manuscript and the outlines of Darwin's theory was simultaneously discussed by a scientific body in the next month.
Simply stunning, this problem is not so pengedepanan ignored people. Darwin's book The Origin of Species was published the following year, causing an uproar. It is in fact probably never have published a book of science that is so widespread and so become the subject of conversation that is so warm, both in environmental scientists and lay people as happen in the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Strugle for Life. They put forward an argument remain exciting in 1871 when Darwin published The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. This book, put forward the idea that human beings originated from a type of monkey, the added thrill of debate opinions.
Darwin himself did not take part in the debate in public about the theory that flung. It could be because health because after perkelanaannya so parrjang with the ship Beagle (likely due to fever, Chaga disease caused by insect bites in Latin America). And it could be because he felt enough had such a staunch supporter of Thomas H. Huxley a debate champion and defender of Darwin's theory, most scientists agree the basics of Darwin's theory is concerned when niati 1882.
Actually - if you want to talk genuine or not genuine - not the first discoverer of Darwin's theory of evolution. Some people already speak out before him, including the French naturalist Jean Lamarek and Darwin's own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin.
However, their hypothesis is never accepted by the scientific world because it was unable to give confidence how and in what manner the evolution occurs. Darwin's greatest contribution is its ability not only present the mechanism of natural selection that resulted in the occurrence of a natural evolution, but he is also capable of presenting a lot of evidence to support his hypothesis.
Worthy of note, Darwin's theory was formulated without any backrest genetic theory or in fact he did not know anything about that knowledge. In Darwin's time, nobody special schools of the particulars of how a next generation. Although Gregor Mendel's laws is finalizing descendants in those years coincided with the time Darwin wrote and published his book which makes history, the results of Mendel's work that support Darwin's theory is so perfect, almost entirely ignored Mendel people until 1900, when Darwin's theory has so well-established and steady. So, our modern understanding about evolution - which is a combination of genetic science to the law of natural selection descent - more complete than that presented Darwin's theory.
Darwin's influence on human thought in sekah. In terms of pure science, of course, he was committing a revolutionary all aspects of field biology. Natural selection really has a very broad principles and fundamental, and various experiments have been done-its application in various fields such as anthropology, sociology, political science and economics.
Perhaps even more important influence on Darwin's thinking in terms of religion rather than on science or sociology. In Darwin's time and for years afterward, many believers in Christianity believe that accepting Darwin's theory mean lower degree of confidence in religion. Their concern is perhaps no basis even though clearly many other factors that cause so because of the erosion of religious belief. (Darwin himself became a secular).
Even on the basis of secular, Darwinian theory resulted in major changes to the way humans in their thinking about the particulars of their world (the human race it seems) as a whole no longer occupy a central position in the natural scheme of nature as a creature they had akukan. Now we must see ourselves as one part only of the many creatures and we acknowledge the possibility that once a date will be displaced. As a result of the investigation results of Darwin's view of Heraclitus who said, "Nothing is permanent except change" becomes more widely accepted. Successful evolution as a general explanation of the origin of humans have been more solidified confidence in the ability of science to answer any questions the physical world (although not all human problems and human). The term of Darwin, "The strong defeating the weak" and "struggle for life" had become a part of our vocabulary.
Indeed, Darwin's theory will be explained as well though such as Darwin had never lived in the world. Moreover, measured by what has been produced Wallace, this is quite contain the truth, more than anyone else that the particulars contained in this book list. However, the writings of Darwin that has revolutionized biology and antropolgi and he who has changed our view of the place of humanity in the world.
Colombus, dalam upaya mencari jalan dari Eropa ke Timur, tak sengaja menemui benua Amerika yang membuatnya lebih berpengaruh dalam sejarah dunia, di luar dugaannya sendiri. Penemuannya sekaligus merupakan mahkota eksplorasi dan kolonisasi Dunia Baru dan sekaligus pula merupakan tonggak penting dalam sejarah. Colombus bagaikan membuka pintu bagi bangsa Eropa dua benua untuk pemukiman baru, menyebar penduduk dan menyediakan sumber kekayaan mineral dan isi bumi yang pada gilirannya mengubah wajah Eropa. Berbarengan dengan itu, penemuannya juga mengakibatkan hancurnya kebudayaan bangsa Indian. Dalam jangka panjang, penemuan itu melahirkan satu bangsa baru di benua belahan Barat, yang dengan amat cepatnya membedakan diri dengan bangsa Indian selaku penduduk asli. Walhasil, Colombus membawa perubahan besar bagi bangsa-bangsa di Dunia Lama.
Garis besar kisah Colombus bukan masalah baru. Dia dilahirkan di Genoa, Itali, tahun 1451. Tatkala berangkat dewasa, dia menjadi nakhoda kapal dan seorang navigator yang cekatan. Akhirnya Colombus yakin bukan mustahil menemukan jalan lebih praktis ke daerah Asia di timur dengan cara berlayar ke arah barat melintasi Samudra Atlantik dan dia dengan tekun merintis tekadnya. Tentu saja niat besar ini tidak bakal terlaksana tanpa biaya cukup. Karena itulah Colombus membujuk Ratu Isabella I menyediakan anggaran untuk ekspedisi percobaannya.
Kapalnya melepas sauh pelabuhan Spanyol tanggal 3 Agustus 1492. Melabuh pertama di Kepulauan Canary di lepas pantai Afrika. Membongkar sauh di Kepulauan Canary tanggal 6 September dan berlayar laju arah ke barat. Sebuah pelayaran yang bukan main panjang, sehingga tidak aneh jika para awak kapal merasa ngeri dan kepingin balik saja. Colombus? Tidak! Perjalanan mesti diteruskan, sekali layar terkembang pantang digulung. Dan tanggal 2 Oktober 1492 bagaikan seutas sutera hijau daratan tampak di haluan.
Colombus kembali ke Spanyol bulan Maret berikutnya dari penjelajahan yang dahsyat itu disambut orang dengan penuh penghormatan. Sesudah itu dia melakukan serentetan pelayaran melintas Atlantik dengan harapan menjejakkan kaki di Cina dan Jepang. Tetapi sia-sia! Colombus tetap bersiteguh pada pikirannya bahwa dia sudah menemukan jalur perjalanan ke Asia Timur jauh sebelum orang lain sadar.
Ratu Isabella menjanjikan Colombus jadi gubernur di pulau mana pun yang ditemuinya. Tetapi, selaku administrator dia betul-betul tidak becus sehingga dipecat dari jabatannya dan dikirim pulang ke Spanyol dengan tangan terbelenggu. Tetapi, sesampainya di Spanyol dia dibebaskan hanya saja tak pernah diberi jabatan lagi. Kabar angin mengatakan Colombus mati dalam kemiskinan tanpa ada dana apa pun. Tatkala kematiannya di tahun 1506 --kabar lain lagi-- ada jugalah sedikit harta kekayaannya.
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Ship "Nina," "Pinta" and "Santa Maria" sailed to the New World |
Obviously, the first voyage of Columbus is a revolutionary change in European history, and instead have a greater influence for the European Continent. School children all memorize the year 1492 an important year. However there are still many possible objections to put the name of Columbus in the order list this book.
One objection is that instead of Columbus the first European to discover the New World. Leif Ericson, Viking sailors, centuries before Columbus had set foot in the Americas and so-so believed some other Europeans had also crossed the Atlantic in the days of Leif Ericson and Columbus.
From this point of history, Leif Ericson is not an important figure. Matters concerning his findings have not been widespread, so did not leave any changes both in America and Europe. Conversely, the discovery of America by Columbus news spread like lightning throughout Europe. Just a few years after returning Columbus, and as a direct result of its discovery, many additional expedition arrived in the New World and the conquest and colonization even start.
Like other figures in this book, Columbus susceptible to interference of various comments as if what he did everyone else do if Columbus had never lived in the world. Europe the 15th century AD in a state of worry and berkemelut: growing world trade, the exploration of new areas is inevitable. The Portuguese in actual fact is very actively seeking a new path flows to the East, at times determine before Columbus.
America is likely to sooner or later discovered by the Europeans; maybe even once even if it there is a delay, it's time not so long. But subsequent developments will be very much different when the Americans found - let's say in 1510 - by the expedition of the French or English rather than in 1492 by Columbus. On the pretext of whatever is in fact Colombuslah people who discovered America.
The third objection is the possibility, even before Columbus' journey many of those 15th-century Europeans who already understand that the real earth is round in shape. This theory has been expressed by the Greek philosophers for centuries before, and an unshakable justification of the hypothesis of Aristotle was enough to convince European intellectuals in the 1400s. Meanwhile, Columbus was not the famous people who show that the earth is round. (At least, he failed to do so). He was famous in the discovery of the New World, the good people of Europe the 15th century or Aristotle knew nothing of the Americas.
Columbus was not entirely admirable character. He is famous miser. Nature is what causes him to face difficulties obtaining funding support from the Queen Isabella for Columbus' greed too revealing when haggling. Also - although not deserve accused according to the size of today's ethics - he treated the Indians with the cruelty that is. Therefore, this book list is not comprised of people who are most sage in history, but the most influential people, and within the framework of this size Columbus ranks near the top.
JAMES WATT 1736-1819
James Watt, Scottish inventor who is often associated with steam engines, are the key figures of the Industrial Revolution.
Actually, Watt is not the first person to make the steam engine. Similar design is also structured by Hero of Alexandria in early AD. In 1686 Thomas Savery patents make a steam engine used to pump water, and in 1712, Englishman Thomas Newcomen, the patent also make similar items to a more perfect version, but the creation Newcomen engine was still inferior and less efficient, can only used to pump water from coal mines.
Watt became interested in the affairs of the steam engine in 1764 when he had been fixing the Newcomen engine creation. Although Watt's just got a year of education as a tool maker, but he's got a great talent creator. Of improvements done to fib Newcomen engine was so important, so it is worth consider Wattlah real creator of the first practical steam engine.
Watt patented the first success in the year 1769 is the addition of a separate space is strengthened. He also make insulating separator to prevent the disappearance of steam heat in the cylinder, and in 1782 he discovered the twin engines. With some minor improvements, this update menghasilan increased efficiency of the steam engine with a four-fold or more. In practice, this efficiency increase is the result of an intelligence but is not very useful equipment nor have tremendous usefulness judging from the corner of the industry.
Watt also found (in 1781) a set of serrations to convert the motion into motion behind the machine so it spins. These tools greatly enhance the use of steam. Watt also managed to create a circular motion controller style automatic (1788), which causes the engine speed can be automatically monitored. Also creates a pressure gauge (1790), speedo tool, appliance instructions and vapor control equipment in addition to other repair equipment.
Watt himself had no business talent. However, in the year 1775 he made alliance with Matthew Boulton, an engineer, and an adroit businessman. For twenty-five years later, Watt and Boulton company produces a large number of steam engines and both became wealthy.Working steam engine in 1769 Watt dual discover
It's hard to overstate the significance of the steam engine. For, indeed many other inventions which plays an important role encouraging the development of the Industrial Revolution. For example, the development of world mining, metallurgy, and various machine tools. Lifeboat that slid back and forth in a loom (John Kay's invention in 1733), or the loom (the discovery of James Hargreaves in 1764) everything happens precedes creation Watt. The vast majority of these discoveries was a less significant improvement and none had a vital meaning in connection with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. As with the invention of the steam engine that plays an important role in the Industrial Revolution, the situation seems to be experiencing other forms. Previously, although the steam is used for windmills and water cycle, the principal source of mechanical power lies in human power. This factor is very limited industrial production capacity. Thanks to the invention of the steam engine, these limitations were eliminated. A large amount of energy can now be channeled to productive things that climb with very swift. Oil embargo of 1973 made us realize how miserable if reduced energy and material capable of crippling the industry. This experience, at some level, encouraging us to imagine the significance of the Industrial Revolution thanks to the discovery of James Watt.
In addition to the benefits of power for factories, steam engines also have to major in other fields. In 1783, the Marquis de Jouffroy in Abbans successfully using steam engines for ship propulsion. In 1804, Richard Trevithick's first steam locomotive to create. None of the models were commercially successful beginner. Within a few decades, then either the ship or rail produces revolution both in the field of land and sea transportation.
Industrial Revolution took place almost simultaneously with the American Revolution and French. Though it seems trivial, is now evident how the Industrial Revolution as outlined has meaning far more important for the livelihoods of human significance rather than political revolution. James Watt, therefore it is classified as one of those who have an important influence in history.
Almost irrefutable, a philosopher and scientist Aristotle largest in the world of the past. He pioneered the investigation affairs logic, enriched almost every branch of philosophy and contributed untold amount to knowledge.
Many of Aristotle's ideas are now outdated. But the most important part of what was once done Aristotle is a rational approach that always underlies his work. Reflected in the writings of Aristotle attitude that every facet of human life or society is always open for the objects of thought and analysis. The opinion of Aristotle, the universe was not completely controlled by chance, by magic, by the desire not unfathomable will of god that unexpected, but the behavior of the universe is subject to rational laws. This belief is according to Aristotle is necessary for humans to question every aspect of the natural world in a systematic and we should utilize both empirical observations and logical reasons before making a decision. The series of these attitudes - the opposite of tradition, superstition and mysticism - has deeply affected European civilization.
Aristotle was born in the town of Stagira, Macedonian, 384 BC. His father was a famous physicist. At age seventeen, Aristotle went to Athens to study in Plato's Academy. He stayed there for twenty years until Plato died shortly. From his father, Aristotle may have a boost interest in biology and "practical knowledge". Under the tutelage of Plato he instill an interest in philosophical speculation.
In the year 342 BC, Aristotle went back to the Macedonians, became a teacher of a child king who thirteen years later in the history of the famous Alexander the Great. Alexander Aristotle educate the young in recent years. In the year 335 BC, after Alexander ascended the throne of the kingdom, Aristotle returned to Athens and there opened her own school, the Lyceum. He was in Athens for twelve years, a period which coincided with Alexander's career of military conquest. Alexander did not ask for advice to his former teacher, but he was kind enough to provide funds for Aristotle to conduct investigations. Maybe this is the first example in history of a scientist to receive a large amount of government funds for purposes of investigation and it is also the last in the centuries that followed.
Even so, allied with Alexander contains various hazards. Aristotle rejected in principle a way of dictatorship when the conqueror Alexander and Alexander's cousin sentenced to death on charges menghianat Aristotle, Alexander also had a mind to kill Aristotle. On the one hand, Aristotle too democratic in the eyes of Alexander, he also had a close relationship with Alexander and trusted by the people of Athens. When Alexander died in 323 BC class of anti-Macedonian in power in Athens and Aristotle was accused of disrespectful to the gods. Aristotle, Socrates thought of the fate that befell the previous 76 years, fled the city and said he would not be given a second chance to the people of Athens to sin against the philosophers. Aristotle died in exile several months later in the year 322 BC at the age of sixty-two years.
Results astonishing amount of pure Aristotle. Forty-seven of his work still remains. Ancient records list no less than one hundred seventy books of his creation. In fact not just the large number of titles are impressive, but the broad range of material civilization and meditation are also no less-is less powerful. Scientific work is truly encyclopedic knowledge to his era. Aristotle wrote about astronomy, zoology, embryologi, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, psychological study, and almost every time his work was known in ancient Greece. The results of his scientific work, is, in part, a collection of knowledge gained from the paid special assistants to collect data for him, while others are the result of a series of his own observations.
To become an expert at topnotch in every branch of the impossibility of a miracle and no duplicate someone in the aftermath. But what has been achieved by Aristotle even more than that. He was an original philosopher, he was a major contributor in every important field of speculative philosophy, he wrote on ethics and metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, beauty, education, poetry, customs retarded people and the constitution of Athens. One project is a collection of various domestic investigations are used for comparative studies.
In all likelihood, the most important of the many results of his work is the study of the theory of logic, and Aristotle regarded as the founder of this important branch of philosophy. It is actually thanks to the logical nature of Aristotle's way of thinking that enables them to offer so many disciplines. He has a talent set way of thinking, formulating rules and the types who later became the basis of thinking in many areas of science. Aristotle never kejeblos into the swamp a mystical or extreme. Aristotle always determined to express their opinions practical. Of course, the human name, he also made mistakes. But, really amazing how few mistakes he made in a vast encyclopedia.
Aristotle's influence on the Western way of thinking behind the day really deep. In ancient and medieval times, the results of his work translated into languages of Latin, Arabic, Italian, French, Hebrew, German and English. Greek writers who came later, so did the Byzantine philosophers studying his work and put very admiration. There should also be noted, his thoughts a lot of influence on the philosophers of Islam and the centuries of writings dominated Western thinking. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), perhaps the most prominent Arab philosopher, tried to formulate a synthesis between Islamic theology with Aristotelian rationalism. Maimomides, the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the century was achieved with a synthesis of Judaism. However, the most brilliant work of the kind of conduct that is his Summa Theologia of St. Christian scholars. Thomas Aquinas. Outside of this list is still very much middle of the century intellectuals influenced by the mind so it Aristotle.
Aristotle's admiration for people to become so jumped in the middle of the century when the circumstances have lead to idolatry. In that state the writings of Aristotle is more a sort of wrap questioning intellect telling where the problem further than a kind of beacon in the street. Aristotle is fond of researching and thinking about particulars himself unmistakably less blindly agree with the praise of the next generation of his writings.
Some of the ideas of Aristotle were measured with the glasses seem reactionary now. For example, he supported slavery because it considers in line with a line of natural law. And he believed in the dignity of female modesty than men. Both ideas-of course - reflecting the prevailing view at that time. But, no less than the number of ideas that baffle modern Aristotle, for example the sentence, "Poverty is the father of revolution and crime," and the phrase "Anyone who has pondered deeply the art of governing people must believe that the fate of something emperium depends on the education of children youth. " (Of course, then there is no school as we know it today).
In recent centuries, Aristotle's influence and reputation have declined rather absurdly tall. However, I think his influence is so absorbing and lasted so long that I was sorry not to be placed higher than the level of the order as it is today. Sequence level is now very important mainly due to the thirteen that were before him in the order.
Many of Aristotle's ideas are now outdated. But the most important part of what was once done Aristotle is a rational approach that always underlies his work. Reflected in the writings of Aristotle attitude that every facet of human life or society is always open for the objects of thought and analysis. The opinion of Aristotle, the universe was not completely controlled by chance, by magic, by the desire not unfathomable will of god that unexpected, but the behavior of the universe is subject to rational laws. This belief is according to Aristotle is necessary for humans to question every aspect of the natural world in a systematic and we should utilize both empirical observations and logical reasons before making a decision. The series of these attitudes - the opposite of tradition, superstition and mysticism - has deeply affected European civilization.
Aristotle was born in the town of Stagira, Macedonian, 384 BC. His father was a famous physicist. At age seventeen, Aristotle went to Athens to study in Plato's Academy. He stayed there for twenty years until Plato died shortly. From his father, Aristotle may have a boost interest in biology and "practical knowledge". Under the tutelage of Plato he instill an interest in philosophical speculation.
In the year 342 BC, Aristotle went back to the Macedonians, became a teacher of a child king who thirteen years later in the history of the famous Alexander the Great. Alexander Aristotle educate the young in recent years. In the year 335 BC, after Alexander ascended the throne of the kingdom, Aristotle returned to Athens and there opened her own school, the Lyceum. He was in Athens for twelve years, a period which coincided with Alexander's career of military conquest. Alexander did not ask for advice to his former teacher, but he was kind enough to provide funds for Aristotle to conduct investigations. Maybe this is the first example in history of a scientist to receive a large amount of government funds for purposes of investigation and it is also the last in the centuries that followed.
Even so, allied with Alexander contains various hazards. Aristotle rejected in principle a way of dictatorship when the conqueror Alexander and Alexander's cousin sentenced to death on charges menghianat Aristotle, Alexander also had a mind to kill Aristotle. On the one hand, Aristotle too democratic in the eyes of Alexander, he also had a close relationship with Alexander and trusted by the people of Athens. When Alexander died in 323 BC class of anti-Macedonian in power in Athens and Aristotle was accused of disrespectful to the gods. Aristotle, Socrates thought of the fate that befell the previous 76 years, fled the city and said he would not be given a second chance to the people of Athens to sin against the philosophers. Aristotle died in exile several months later in the year 322 BC at the age of sixty-two years.
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Aristotle with his pupil, Alexander |
Results astonishing amount of pure Aristotle. Forty-seven of his work still remains. Ancient records list no less than one hundred seventy books of his creation. In fact not just the large number of titles are impressive, but the broad range of material civilization and meditation are also no less-is less powerful. Scientific work is truly encyclopedic knowledge to his era. Aristotle wrote about astronomy, zoology, embryologi, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, psychological study, and almost every time his work was known in ancient Greece. The results of his scientific work, is, in part, a collection of knowledge gained from the paid special assistants to collect data for him, while others are the result of a series of his own observations.
To become an expert at topnotch in every branch of the impossibility of a miracle and no duplicate someone in the aftermath. But what has been achieved by Aristotle even more than that. He was an original philosopher, he was a major contributor in every important field of speculative philosophy, he wrote on ethics and metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, beauty, education, poetry, customs retarded people and the constitution of Athens. One project is a collection of various domestic investigations are used for comparative studies.
In all likelihood, the most important of the many results of his work is the study of the theory of logic, and Aristotle regarded as the founder of this important branch of philosophy. It is actually thanks to the logical nature of Aristotle's way of thinking that enables them to offer so many disciplines. He has a talent set way of thinking, formulating rules and the types who later became the basis of thinking in many areas of science. Aristotle never kejeblos into the swamp a mystical or extreme. Aristotle always determined to express their opinions practical. Of course, the human name, he also made mistakes. But, really amazing how few mistakes he made in a vast encyclopedia.
Aristotle's influence on the Western way of thinking behind the day really deep. In ancient and medieval times, the results of his work translated into languages of Latin, Arabic, Italian, French, Hebrew, German and English. Greek writers who came later, so did the Byzantine philosophers studying his work and put very admiration. There should also be noted, his thoughts a lot of influence on the philosophers of Islam and the centuries of writings dominated Western thinking. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), perhaps the most prominent Arab philosopher, tried to formulate a synthesis between Islamic theology with Aristotelian rationalism. Maimomides, the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the century was achieved with a synthesis of Judaism. However, the most brilliant work of the kind of conduct that is his Summa Theologia of St. Christian scholars. Thomas Aquinas. Outside of this list is still very much middle of the century intellectuals influenced by the mind so it Aristotle.
Aristotle's admiration for people to become so jumped in the middle of the century when the circumstances have lead to idolatry. In that state the writings of Aristotle is more a sort of wrap questioning intellect telling where the problem further than a kind of beacon in the street. Aristotle is fond of researching and thinking about particulars himself unmistakably less blindly agree with the praise of the next generation of his writings.
Some of the ideas of Aristotle were measured with the glasses seem reactionary now. For example, he supported slavery because it considers in line with a line of natural law. And he believed in the dignity of female modesty than men. Both ideas-of course - reflecting the prevailing view at that time. But, no less than the number of ideas that baffle modern Aristotle, for example the sentence, "Poverty is the father of revolution and crime," and the phrase "Anyone who has pondered deeply the art of governing people must believe that the fate of something emperium depends on the education of children youth. " (Of course, then there is no school as we know it today).
In recent centuries, Aristotle's influence and reputation have declined rather absurdly tall. However, I think his influence is so absorbing and lasted so long that I was sorry not to be placed higher than the level of the order as it is today. Sequence level is now very important mainly due to the thirteen that were before him in the order.
ISAAC NEWTON 1642-1727
Nature and the laws of nature hidden in the night.
God said, Let Newton there! And everything will be bright.
Isaac Newton, scientists largest and most influential ever lived, was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day 1642, the year coinciding with the death of Galileo. Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died. In the boy he had shown real skill in the field of mechanics and very skillful use of his hands. Although children with a brilliant brain, the school seemed reluctant and did not attract much attention. When stepping on baliq passage, her mother out of school in the hope their children can be a good farmer. Fortunately the mother could be persuaded, that the main talent lies not in there. At age eighteen he entered the University of Cambridge. This is where Newton is quick to absorb what was then known to science and mathematics and very quickly as well start doing its own investigation. Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years he has laid the foundations of the theory of knowledge which in turn then change the world.
Mid-17th century was a period of hatchery science. The discovery near the beginning of the century telescope that has revolutionized the entire opinion about the science of astrology. English philosopher Francis Bacon and the French philosopher Rene Descartes both call upon scientists across Europe so that no longer rely on the authority of Aristotle, but to experiment and research on the basic point of departure and his own purposes. What was put forward by Bacon and Descartes, has been practiced by the great Galileo. The use of telescopes, new findings by Newton for astronomical research has revolutionized the field investigation, and he did in the mechanics sector has resulted in what is now known as "Newton's laws of motion" of the first.
Another great scientist, like William Harvey, discoverer of blood circulation affairs and governance inventor Johannes Kepler motion of planets around the sun, presents very basic information for the scholar. However, pure science is still a favorite of intellectuals, and still has not been proven - when used in technology - that science can change the basic pattern of human life as predicted by Francis Bacon.
Although Copernicus and Galileo had kicked aside a few presumption digress about the ancient knowledge and has been presenting a more genah understanding about the universe, but no one thought the subject matter carefully formulated that is able to deflect the notion that smallholder stacks and baseless as he arranged them in a theory that allows the development of predictions more scientific. None other than Isaac Newton was the one person capable of presenting a collection of theories summarized neatly and laid the foundation stone of modern science that is now the current fad so people.
Newton himself somewhat reluctantly publish and announce its findings. The basic idea was drawn up long before the year 1669, but many new theories were publicly known for years afterward. The first publication of its discovery is concerned penjungkir in reverse long-held assumption about the light of things. In a careful series of experiments, Newton discovered the fact that what is commonly called the "white light" is actually none other than that contained a mixture of all colors in the rainbow. And he was very careful analysis of the consequences of the law of reflection and refraction of light. Sticking to the law he is - in 1668 - designed and well built the first reflecting telescope, binoculars model used by most investigators kemintang current-star. This discovery, along with the results obtained in the field of optical experiments that have been diperagakannya, dedicated by him to the British royal institute researcher when he was twenty-nine years.
The success of Newton in the field of optics alone may be sufficient to put Newton on the list order this book. Meanwhile there are discoveries that are less important in the field of pure mathematics and in the field of mechanics. Greatest offerings in the field of mathematics is the discovery of "integral calculus" which may be solved when he was twenty-three or twenty-four years. This discovery is the most important works in the field of modern mathematics. Not just like a seed that grows therefrom modern mathematical theory, but also furniture inevitable that without his invention of modern knowledge advances that came after is impossible. Even Newton did not do anything else, the discovery of "integral calculus" it alone is sufficient to lead him into a tall ladder in the list order this book.
But the discoveries of Newton's most important is in the field of mechanics, knowledge about the movement of an object. Galileo was the inventor of the first laws that describe the motion of an object when not influenced by outside forces. Of course, essentially all objects are influenced by outside forces and the most important issue in mechanical affairs is how objects move in that state. This problem is solved by Newton's second law of motion and famous and can be regarded as the laws of classical physics the most important. The second law (in matcmatik described dcngan equation F = ma) stipulates that the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force divided by mass of the object. Against the second law of Newton's third law adds famous of motion (asserts that in every action, such as physical strength, there is a reaction equal to the contrary) and the most famous inventions of the scientific principle of universal law of gravity. The four devices of this law, if combined, would form a unified system applicable for the entire macro-mechanics systems, ranging from pergoyangan pendulum to move planets in orbit around the sun that can be watched and his movements can be predicted. Newton did not just set the laws of mechanics, but he himself also uses the tools of mathematical calculus, and show that these fundamental formulas can be used for solving problems.
Newton's laws can be and has been used in large scale field of scientific and technical equipment of various fields of design. In his lifetime, pemraktekan the most dramatic is in the field of astronomy. In this sector too Newton standing at the front. In 1678 Newton published his famous book Principles of mathematical natural philosophy (usually summarized Principia only). In the book, Newton put forward his theory about the law of gravity and the laws of motion. He shows how these laws can be used to estimate the movements of planets around the sun. The main issue movements of astronomy is how to estimate the exact position and movement-kemintang stars and planets, thus fully solved by Newton with just snapped. Top of his work was Newton is often considered the greatest astronomer of all the biggest.
What is our assessment of the significance of Newton scholarship? If we open the open the index encyclopedia of science, we will encounter along the particulars concerning Newton's laws and its findings on two or three times more numerous than the particulars of any scientist. Said the great scholars that Leibniz was not close to Newton even been involved in a bitter quarrel: "Of all the things related to mathematics from the start of the developing world to the existence of Newton, the ones who contributed the best." Also praise given by the great French scholar, Laplace: "The book Principia Newton was far ahead of all products of human genius in the world." And Langrange often said that Newton was the greatest genius who ever lived. While Ernst Mach in his writing in 1901 said, "All of a mathematical problem that is solved since the days of his life is the basis for the development of mechanics based on Newton's laws." This is probably the major discovery of the most intricate Newton: he found a container of separation between fact and law, able to describe some of the magic but not much help to make guesses; he bequeathed to us the laws of the continuum that can be used for problems in space physics a very broad scope of the secret and contains the possibility to make the right guesses.
God said, Let Newton there! And everything will be bright.
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Isaac Newton, scientists largest and most influential ever lived, was born in Woolsthrope, England, right on Christmas day 1642, the year coinciding with the death of Galileo. Like the Prophet Muhammad, he was born after his father died. In the boy he had shown real skill in the field of mechanics and very skillful use of his hands. Although children with a brilliant brain, the school seemed reluctant and did not attract much attention. When stepping on baliq passage, her mother out of school in the hope their children can be a good farmer. Fortunately the mother could be persuaded, that the main talent lies not in there. At age eighteen he entered the University of Cambridge. This is where Newton is quick to absorb what was then known to science and mathematics and very quickly as well start doing its own investigation. Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years he has laid the foundations of the theory of knowledge which in turn then change the world.
Mid-17th century was a period of hatchery science. The discovery near the beginning of the century telescope that has revolutionized the entire opinion about the science of astrology. English philosopher Francis Bacon and the French philosopher Rene Descartes both call upon scientists across Europe so that no longer rely on the authority of Aristotle, but to experiment and research on the basic point of departure and his own purposes. What was put forward by Bacon and Descartes, has been practiced by the great Galileo. The use of telescopes, new findings by Newton for astronomical research has revolutionized the field investigation, and he did in the mechanics sector has resulted in what is now known as "Newton's laws of motion" of the first.
Another great scientist, like William Harvey, discoverer of blood circulation affairs and governance inventor Johannes Kepler motion of planets around the sun, presents very basic information for the scholar. However, pure science is still a favorite of intellectuals, and still has not been proven - when used in technology - that science can change the basic pattern of human life as predicted by Francis Bacon.
Although Copernicus and Galileo had kicked aside a few presumption digress about the ancient knowledge and has been presenting a more genah understanding about the universe, but no one thought the subject matter carefully formulated that is able to deflect the notion that smallholder stacks and baseless as he arranged them in a theory that allows the development of predictions more scientific. None other than Isaac Newton was the one person capable of presenting a collection of theories summarized neatly and laid the foundation stone of modern science that is now the current fad so people.
Newton himself somewhat reluctantly publish and announce its findings. The basic idea was drawn up long before the year 1669, but many new theories were publicly known for years afterward. The first publication of its discovery is concerned penjungkir in reverse long-held assumption about the light of things. In a careful series of experiments, Newton discovered the fact that what is commonly called the "white light" is actually none other than that contained a mixture of all colors in the rainbow. And he was very careful analysis of the consequences of the law of reflection and refraction of light. Sticking to the law he is - in 1668 - designed and well built the first reflecting telescope, binoculars model used by most investigators kemintang current-star. This discovery, along with the results obtained in the field of optical experiments that have been diperagakannya, dedicated by him to the British royal institute researcher when he was twenty-nine years.
The success of Newton in the field of optics alone may be sufficient to put Newton on the list order this book. Meanwhile there are discoveries that are less important in the field of pure mathematics and in the field of mechanics. Greatest offerings in the field of mathematics is the discovery of "integral calculus" which may be solved when he was twenty-three or twenty-four years. This discovery is the most important works in the field of modern mathematics. Not just like a seed that grows therefrom modern mathematical theory, but also furniture inevitable that without his invention of modern knowledge advances that came after is impossible. Even Newton did not do anything else, the discovery of "integral calculus" it alone is sufficient to lead him into a tall ladder in the list order this book.
But the discoveries of Newton's most important is in the field of mechanics, knowledge about the movement of an object. Galileo was the inventor of the first laws that describe the motion of an object when not influenced by outside forces. Of course, essentially all objects are influenced by outside forces and the most important issue in mechanical affairs is how objects move in that state. This problem is solved by Newton's second law of motion and famous and can be regarded as the laws of classical physics the most important. The second law (in matcmatik described dcngan equation F = ma) stipulates that the acceleration of an object is equal to the net force divided by mass of the object. Against the second law of Newton's third law adds famous of motion (asserts that in every action, such as physical strength, there is a reaction equal to the contrary) and the most famous inventions of the scientific principle of universal law of gravity. The four devices of this law, if combined, would form a unified system applicable for the entire macro-mechanics systems, ranging from pergoyangan pendulum to move planets in orbit around the sun that can be watched and his movements can be predicted. Newton did not just set the laws of mechanics, but he himself also uses the tools of mathematical calculus, and show that these fundamental formulas can be used for solving problems.
Newton's laws can be and has been used in large scale field of scientific and technical equipment of various fields of design. In his lifetime, pemraktekan the most dramatic is in the field of astronomy. In this sector too Newton standing at the front. In 1678 Newton published his famous book Principles of mathematical natural philosophy (usually summarized Principia only). In the book, Newton put forward his theory about the law of gravity and the laws of motion. He shows how these laws can be used to estimate the movements of planets around the sun. The main issue movements of astronomy is how to estimate the exact position and movement-kemintang stars and planets, thus fully solved by Newton with just snapped. Top of his work was Newton is often considered the greatest astronomer of all the biggest.
What is our assessment of the significance of Newton scholarship? If we open the open the index encyclopedia of science, we will encounter along the particulars concerning Newton's laws and its findings on two or three times more numerous than the particulars of any scientist. Said the great scholars that Leibniz was not close to Newton even been involved in a bitter quarrel: "Of all the things related to mathematics from the start of the developing world to the existence of Newton, the ones who contributed the best." Also praise given by the great French scholar, Laplace: "The book Principia Newton was far ahead of all products of human genius in the world." And Langrange often said that Newton was the greatest genius who ever lived. While Ernst Mach in his writing in 1901 said, "All of a mathematical problem that is solved since the days of his life is the basis for the development of mechanics based on Newton's laws." This is probably the major discovery of the most intricate Newton: he found a container of separation between fact and law, able to describe some of the magic but not much help to make guesses; he bequeathed to us the laws of the continuum that can be used for problems in space physics a very broad scope of the secret and contains the possibility to make the right guesses.
NABI ISA (6 SM - 30 M)
Effect of Prophet Jesus to the history of humanity was so obvious and so great. It was not many people are questioning why Jesus was in place nearly top the list this book. In fact, many people may wonder why Jesus was not in the top spot.
As for Christianity, is presumably not the problem. In the course of the time no doubt has gained adherents of this religion is greater than that of any other religion as well. It should be stressed is not about the influence of various religions that is the calculation in this book, but the particulars concerning the influence of individuals. It is not like Islam, Religion Christianity was founded not by one but two - Jesus and St. Paul - because it's recognition of the services on the development of religion is to be divided equally between the two men.
Jesus laid the foundations of basic ethical ideas of Christianity, including a spiritual standpoint as well as basic ideas about the behavior laku.manusia. While Christian theology foundations managed by the St. Paul. Isa offering spiritual messages while St. Paul add it into the shape of the cult of Jesus. More than that, St. Paul is the author of the important parts of the New Testament and is an advocate of the first people to embrace religion in the first century Christians the birth of the religion.
Isa countless young age when he "died" (another case with the Buddha or Muhammad), and left behind only a limited number of followers. When Jesus died, his followers consisting only of a small Jewish sect. New by the writings of St. Paul and his preaching perseverance indefatigable, a small sect was transformed into a dynamic force and a larger movement, either of Jews or not. From there-eventually-grown into one of the major world religions.
Due to these things while people assume St. Paul was the one and not the Jesus who is more presentable as a founder of the Christian Religion, because it's his place in the list order this book should be higher than Jesus! Though it is difficult to imagine what form of Christianity without St. Paul, but the opposite is also very clear: without Jesus, Religion Christianity would not exist at all.
Instead, it appears no reason to suppose Jesus held responsible for any circumstances such as the assessment of Christian churches and individuals adherents of Christianity and then, especially since Jesus himself did not agree with such attitudes. Among them, for example a religious war between the schools of Christian, cruel slaughter and the hunt against the Jews-is a contradiction with the attitude and teachings of Jesus. It seemed no reason to suppose that the action was approved by Isa.
In addition, although modern science was first grown in the countries of Christian adherents in Western Europe but it is not taxable if it is deemed the responsibility of Isa. Naturally no one among the leaders of Christians interpret the teachings of Jesus as a call to conduct scientific investigation of the world in the physical sense. The opposite is true: flock bondongnya Roman society embrace Christian Religion either result in the decline of common basic technologies as well as the general level of interest in science.
That science happens to grow in Europe is actually a hint of culture passed down through the generations in harmony with the way the scientific mind. It absolutely has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, but thanks to the influence of Greek rationalism which is clearly reflected in the works of Aristotle and Euclid. It is worth noting the emergence of modern science is not in the glory-glory and holiness of the Christian ecclesiastical power but at the start dawning renaissance, the time when Europe is trying to renew the legacy before Jesus.
The story of Jesus's life if it is associated with the New Testament is certainly familiar to readers, because it can be boring if chewed again. But, there are also aspects that are still worth noting. First, most information we get about the life of Jesus is the gift of the erratic, unpredictable maze. In fact we do not know who his real name. Most likely the original name Yehoshua, a common Jewish name (the English call Joshua). And any year of his birth is uncertain, although the year 6 BC can hold onto.
Even in death no matter who it should be clearly known by his followers, is also unclear to this day. Jesus himself left no writings at all, so really everything about her life fairy holding on to explain the New Testament.
Unfortunately, the teachings of Jesus in conflict with each other in many subjects. Matthew and Luke present an entirely different version of the last words spoken by Jesus. Both of these versions at first glance appear to originate from direct quotations from the Old Testament.
Surely not a coincidence Isa able mcngutip goods from the Old Testament. For, although Jesus Christian priest, he himself is actually a devout Jew. It's often pointed out that Jesus is in many ways very similar to the prophets of the Old Testament and he was deeply affected by them. Like the prophets, Jesus has extraordinary charm of personality that leaves an indelible impression, and so met him. Isa one who has power in the sense that real charisma really is.
In contrast greatly with Muhammad, who held religious and political power on the one hand, Jesus did not yunya political influence in his lifetime or in the next century. (The man did have an indirect influence political developments in the long run). Jesus spread the influence of fully within the scope of ethics and is a spiritual leader.
When the relics of Jesus only in quality as leaders rnata spirituaI, of course, right when people question the extent to which spiritual ideas influence the world. One of the central teachings of Jesus of course was the Golden Rule. Now, the Golden Rule it is accepted by many people, whether he is Christian or not as a standard of moral behavior. We may not always act on the basis of the benchmark, but at least we try to scour the rails. If Jesus really is the first formulator of standards and guidelines that have been accepted as almost a universal principle, we can be sure he is worthy seated in the first order of this list.
But, the fact remains that his name, the Golden Rule is actually already a benchmark so the handle Judaism, far sebetum Jesus was born. Reverend Hillel, the Jewish leaders who lived a century before Christ openly say that the Golden Rule is the main benchmark of Judaism.
It is not only known to the Western world but also the East. Chinese philosopher Confucius-Cu has been proposed to this conception in the year 500 BC. Also words like that contained in the Mahabharata, a collection of ancient Hindu poem. So, the fact shows that the philosophy contained in The Golden Rule is accepted by almost every major religious group.
Does this mean that Jesus had no original ideas of ethics? Not so! View high-quality and bright on offer in Matthew 5:43-44:
You heard what was said that you should love your neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I tell you, have mercy on those who curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for those who grudge to you and mistreat you.
And the previous sentence reads "... do not fight crime. If they slap your right cheek, offer your left cheek also."
Now, this opinion is not part of Judaism at the time of Jesus nor the handle so the other religions. It can be ascertained is that unheard of. If this idea is widely adopted, I did not hesitate nor waver in the slightest put Jesus first in the list.
But, the reality show fad that idea is not expanded correctly. Instead, it is generally not acceptable. Most followers of Christianity rnenganggap command "Love your enemies" can only be realized in a perfect world, but can not walk as guiding behavior in the world we all live today. Generally, teaching is not implemented, and also do not expect others to do so. The children were so we do not give teachings. The most obvious teaching of Jesus is still a kind of teaching is fundamentally a group and not through the following suggestions are tested first.
As for Christianity, is presumably not the problem. In the course of the time no doubt has gained adherents of this religion is greater than that of any other religion as well. It should be stressed is not about the influence of various religions that is the calculation in this book, but the particulars concerning the influence of individuals. It is not like Islam, Religion Christianity was founded not by one but two - Jesus and St. Paul - because it's recognition of the services on the development of religion is to be divided equally between the two men.
Jesus laid the foundations of basic ethical ideas of Christianity, including a spiritual standpoint as well as basic ideas about the behavior laku.manusia. While Christian theology foundations managed by the St. Paul. Isa offering spiritual messages while St. Paul add it into the shape of the cult of Jesus. More than that, St. Paul is the author of the important parts of the New Testament and is an advocate of the first people to embrace religion in the first century Christians the birth of the religion.
Isa countless young age when he "died" (another case with the Buddha or Muhammad), and left behind only a limited number of followers. When Jesus died, his followers consisting only of a small Jewish sect. New by the writings of St. Paul and his preaching perseverance indefatigable, a small sect was transformed into a dynamic force and a larger movement, either of Jews or not. From there-eventually-grown into one of the major world religions.
Due to these things while people assume St. Paul was the one and not the Jesus who is more presentable as a founder of the Christian Religion, because it's his place in the list order this book should be higher than Jesus! Though it is difficult to imagine what form of Christianity without St. Paul, but the opposite is also very clear: without Jesus, Religion Christianity would not exist at all.
Instead, it appears no reason to suppose Jesus held responsible for any circumstances such as the assessment of Christian churches and individuals adherents of Christianity and then, especially since Jesus himself did not agree with such attitudes. Among them, for example a religious war between the schools of Christian, cruel slaughter and the hunt against the Jews-is a contradiction with the attitude and teachings of Jesus. It seemed no reason to suppose that the action was approved by Isa.
In addition, although modern science was first grown in the countries of Christian adherents in Western Europe but it is not taxable if it is deemed the responsibility of Isa. Naturally no one among the leaders of Christians interpret the teachings of Jesus as a call to conduct scientific investigation of the world in the physical sense. The opposite is true: flock bondongnya Roman society embrace Christian Religion either result in the decline of common basic technologies as well as the general level of interest in science.
That science happens to grow in Europe is actually a hint of culture passed down through the generations in harmony with the way the scientific mind. It absolutely has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, but thanks to the influence of Greek rationalism which is clearly reflected in the works of Aristotle and Euclid. It is worth noting the emergence of modern science is not in the glory-glory and holiness of the Christian ecclesiastical power but at the start dawning renaissance, the time when Europe is trying to renew the legacy before Jesus.
The story of Jesus's life if it is associated with the New Testament is certainly familiar to readers, because it can be boring if chewed again. But, there are also aspects that are still worth noting. First, most information we get about the life of Jesus is the gift of the erratic, unpredictable maze. In fact we do not know who his real name. Most likely the original name Yehoshua, a common Jewish name (the English call Joshua). And any year of his birth is uncertain, although the year 6 BC can hold onto.
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Rembrandt painting 'The Prophet' Isa was preaching ' |
Even in death no matter who it should be clearly known by his followers, is also unclear to this day. Jesus himself left no writings at all, so really everything about her life fairy holding on to explain the New Testament.
Unfortunately, the teachings of Jesus in conflict with each other in many subjects. Matthew and Luke present an entirely different version of the last words spoken by Jesus. Both of these versions at first glance appear to originate from direct quotations from the Old Testament.
Surely not a coincidence Isa able mcngutip goods from the Old Testament. For, although Jesus Christian priest, he himself is actually a devout Jew. It's often pointed out that Jesus is in many ways very similar to the prophets of the Old Testament and he was deeply affected by them. Like the prophets, Jesus has extraordinary charm of personality that leaves an indelible impression, and so met him. Isa one who has power in the sense that real charisma really is.
In contrast greatly with Muhammad, who held religious and political power on the one hand, Jesus did not yunya political influence in his lifetime or in the next century. (The man did have an indirect influence political developments in the long run). Jesus spread the influence of fully within the scope of ethics and is a spiritual leader.
When the relics of Jesus only in quality as leaders rnata spirituaI, of course, right when people question the extent to which spiritual ideas influence the world. One of the central teachings of Jesus of course was the Golden Rule. Now, the Golden Rule it is accepted by many people, whether he is Christian or not as a standard of moral behavior. We may not always act on the basis of the benchmark, but at least we try to scour the rails. If Jesus really is the first formulator of standards and guidelines that have been accepted as almost a universal principle, we can be sure he is worthy seated in the first order of this list.
But, the fact remains that his name, the Golden Rule is actually already a benchmark so the handle Judaism, far sebetum Jesus was born. Reverend Hillel, the Jewish leaders who lived a century before Christ openly say that the Golden Rule is the main benchmark of Judaism.
It is not only known to the Western world but also the East. Chinese philosopher Confucius-Cu has been proposed to this conception in the year 500 BC. Also words like that contained in the Mahabharata, a collection of ancient Hindu poem. So, the fact shows that the philosophy contained in The Golden Rule is accepted by almost every major religious group.
Does this mean that Jesus had no original ideas of ethics? Not so! View high-quality and bright on offer in Matthew 5:43-44:
You heard what was said that you should love your neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I tell you, have mercy on those who curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for those who grudge to you and mistreat you.
And the previous sentence reads "... do not fight crime. If they slap your right cheek, offer your left cheek also."
Now, this opinion is not part of Judaism at the time of Jesus nor the handle so the other religions. It can be ascertained is that unheard of. If this idea is widely adopted, I did not hesitate nor waver in the slightest put Jesus first in the list.
But, the reality show fad that idea is not expanded correctly. Instead, it is generally not acceptable. Most followers of Christianity rnenganggap command "Love your enemies" can only be realized in a perfect world, but can not walk as guiding behavior in the world we all live today. Generally, teaching is not implemented, and also do not expect others to do so. The children were so we do not give teachings. The most obvious teaching of Jesus is still a kind of teaching is fundamentally a group and not through the following suggestions are tested first.
Baca secara fonetik
Albert Einstein, no doubt, the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Scholars unparalleled throughout the ages. Including his theory of "relativity" of his. Actually this theory are two theories are linked to each other: special theory of "relativity" that put it in 1905 and the general theory of "relativity" that put it in 1915, better known as Einstein's law of gravity. Both theories are very complicated, because it is not the place here to explain as it is, but a perfunctory description of special relativity there is mention about a bit. Proverb says, "everything is relative." Einstein's theory is not just chewing on that phrase was almost dull. He means a definite opinion about the mathematical scientific principles which actually relative. Essentially, a subjective assessment of time and space depending on the adherents. Before Einstein, people generally believe that always there behind the subjective impression of absolute space and time that can be objectively measured with the equipment. Einstein's theories overturned by revolutionary scientific thinking by rejecting the existence of absolute time. The following example can illustrate just how radical his theory, he said he revolutionized how we think about space and time.
Imagine a spaceship - call it the name X - slide away from Earth at the rate of 100,000 kilometers per second. Speed is measured by the observer, both located in the spacecraft X and on earth, and their measurements simultaneously. Meanwhile, the other a spaceship named Y gliding rate in the same direction as the spacecraft X but with excessive speed. If the observer on earth measures the speed of the spacecraft Y, they knew that the plane was moving away from Earth at a speed of 180,000 kilometers per second. Observer on the spacecraft Y will be similar conclusion.
Well, since both the spacecraft was traveling at the same time, it would appear that the speed difference between the two planes were 80,000 kilometers per second and faster aircraft that could not be moved away from the plane which is slower at this speed levels.
However, Einstein's theory into account, if the observations were made from both spacecraft, they will agree that the distance between them increases at a rate measure 100,000 kilometers per second, instead of 80,000 kilometers per second.
Apparently this was impossible. It looks like a mockery. Readers suspect smells as if there is deceit. Predicting lest any hidden details. In fact, not at all! This result has nothing to do with the energy used to drive them.
Nothing wrong observations. As a result, nothing is lacking, faulty equipment or cable twist. Smooth, plain, not outwit. According to Einstein, the conclusions mentioned above solely as a result of the true nature of space and time can be calculated through the velocity composition formula affairs.
Seems to be a theoretical awesomeness, and indeed many years away from the "relativity theory" is like away from the hypothesis "ivory tower," as if that theory has no significance at all. No one - certainly not - make the mistake until 1945, when the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sweep. One of the conclusions "theory of relativity" Einstein is matter and energy are in a sense be balanced with and the relationship between the two is defined as E = mc2. E indicates the energy and m indicate the object's mass, while c is the speed of light. Well, because c is the same with 180,000 kilometers per second (that is a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (which means CXC) erratic course of the immense amount. As such means, although the conversion fraction of objects able to spend enormous amounts of energy.
Frivolous people just could never make an atom bomb or a nuclear power plant merely adhered to the formula E = mc2. It should also be studied deeply, many people play a vital role in the process of generating atomic energy. However, after all, Einstein's contribution was not doubting mind again. No one quarreled in this matter. Furthermore, none other than Einstein the person who wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in 1939, shows the opening of the possibility make atomic weapons and simultaneously emphasizes the importance for the United States as soon as possible make the weapon before it preceded Germany. The idea was then realize the "Manhattan Project" which could eventually create the first atomic bomb.
"The theory of special relativity" a warm inviting different opinion, but in one sense all agree, that theory is the most dubious idea that human beings ever formulated. However, everyone was fooled because the "theory of general relativity" Albert is the starting point of another mind that the influence of gravity is not due to physical strength in the usual sense, but rather a result of the curvature of space itself, an opinion which is very astonishing!
How can one measure the curvature of space?
Einstein was not simply to develop a theoretical, but poured into a mathematical formulation of clear and distinct so that people can make real predictions and testable hypothesis. The next observation - and this is the most brilliant because it is done when a total solar eclipse - has repeatedly believed to be the truth because it coincides completely with what Einstein said.
General theory of relativity stands apart in some respects with all scientific laws. First, Einstein did not formulate his theory on the basis of experiments, but on the basics of symmetry and mathematical subtlety. In short based on a rational basis as usual habits of the Greek philosophers and scholars middle of the century did. This means, different from Einstein's way with a view of modern methods of empirical scientists. However, the difference there as well: Greek thinkers in terms of beauty and symmetry craving never successfully manage and find a mechanical theory that is able to survive the trials testing the complex-complex, while Einstein was able to survive successfully on each trial. One result of this approach is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is considered a very beautiful, stylish, strong and intellectually satisfying all scientific theories.
The theory of general relativity is also in some ways stand separately. Most other scientific laws are only approximately valid. There are taxable in many ways, but not all. As for the general theory of relativity, all knowledge, fully accepted without exception. No state is unknown, both in terms of theoretical or practical experiments that show that prophecies general theory of relativity applies only in approx. Could have been experiments in the future ruin the good name of perfect results ever achieved by any theory, but as far as the general theory of relativity, clearly remains the most reliable approach for every scientist in his efforts toward final truth.
Although Einstein was very famous for its "theory of relativity" of his, the success of his work in other scientific fields as well as made famous scientist in every facet. In fact, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for physics in particular because of his written thoughts reveal the effects of photo-electric effect, an important phenomenon which previously was a puzzle the wise men. In Einstein's scientific writings prove the existence of photons, or particles of light.
Long-held assumption by experiments that halting said that light was composed of electro magnetic waves, and waves and particles are opposite concepts. While Einstein's hypothesis suggests a radical difference and so contrary to classical theories. Not only was the law of electric images shown to have important meaning in use, but the hypothesis about the photon have a major influence in the development of quantum theory (the hypothesis that in radiation, electron energy released is not continuous but in a certain amount) which is now part and parcel of that theory.
In terms of assessing the significance of Einstein, a comparison with the Isaac Newton is striking. Newton's theory is basically easy to understand, and his genius was shown in the beginning of the development. While the "theory of relativity" Einstein's extremely difficult to understand even by a careful explanation and caution. More-further complicate the matter if the original recap! When some of Newton's ideas clash with the scientific ideas of his time, his theory was never looks faded or wavered in his stance. Instead, "the theory of relativity" full of contradictory things. This is part of Einstein's genius that in the beginning, when the idea is still an untested hypothesis is put forward a dozen years as a young man who was entirely unknown, he never let the contradictions do exist and discard the theory. Instead instead she meticulously and carefully reflect on hold until he was able to show that this contradiction is only on the outer, while in fact every problem is always available to solve the contradiction in a subtle but clever and decisive.
Now, we consider Einstein's theory is basically a more "correct" than Newton's theory. If so for how Einstein placed Further down the list of the order of this book?
The reason is available. First, theories Newtonlah which is the foundation stone and cornerstone of modern science and technology. Without the work of Newton, we would not see today's modern technology. Instead of Einstein.
There is another factor that led to why Einstein's position in the order that the reader witnessed. In many ways, the development of an idea involving the contribution many people's minds. This is obvious for instance in the history of socialism affairs, or in the development of electric and magnetic theory. Although Einstein was not 100% formulated a "theory of relativity" with his own brain, which is definitely the most part does its share. It is fair to say that judging from the comparison of the significance of other ideas, theories of relativity came mainly from the creation of one, the genius and the topnotch, Einstein.
Einstein was born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany. He entered college in Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen in 1900. In 1905 he received a doctorate from the University of Zurich but (strangely) can not achieve an academic position at the time. In the same year he published a paper about the "relatively specialized," about the photo electric effect, and the theory of Brownian motion. In just a few short years these working papers, particularly those involving relativity, has been appointed one of his most brilliant scientists and most original in the world. His theories are very controversial. There was no world except Darwin scientist has ever created a controversial situation like Einstein. Due to that, in 1913 he was appointed professor at the University of Berlin and at the same time as Director of the Institute of Physics "Kaiser Wilhelm" and become a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. These positions are not tied to freely devote full time to investigations, whenever he likes.
The German government does not regret Einstein's flush with a long row of a special position because of exactly two years later, Einstein managed to formulate a "general theory of relativity," and in 1921 he received the Nobel Prize. Throughout the latter half of his life, Einstein became a byword of the world, and almost certainly he was a famous scientist ever born into the world.
Because Einstein was a Jew, his life in Germany became unsafe so Hitler rose to power. In 1933, she moved to Princeton, New Jersey, United States, working at the Institute for Advanced Studies High and in 1940 became a U.S. citizen. Einstein's first marriage ended in divorce, only the second marriage just seem happier. Have two children, both boys. Einstein died in 1955 at Princeton.
Einstein was always interested in the affairs of humanity the world around him and often expressed his political views. He is a steadfast fighter against the tyranny of the political system, a staunch pacifist movement, and an unwavering advocate of Zionism. In terms of dress and social customs that he was an individualist. Like humor, simple and no strings violin talent. The inscription on the gravestone Newton's tomb reads: "rejoice because the spirits had left for humanity ornament!" they are more subject to Einstein.
Imagine a spaceship - call it the name X - slide away from Earth at the rate of 100,000 kilometers per second. Speed is measured by the observer, both located in the spacecraft X and on earth, and their measurements simultaneously. Meanwhile, the other a spaceship named Y gliding rate in the same direction as the spacecraft X but with excessive speed. If the observer on earth measures the speed of the spacecraft Y, they knew that the plane was moving away from Earth at a speed of 180,000 kilometers per second. Observer on the spacecraft Y will be similar conclusion.
Well, since both the spacecraft was traveling at the same time, it would appear that the speed difference between the two planes were 80,000 kilometers per second and faster aircraft that could not be moved away from the plane which is slower at this speed levels.
However, Einstein's theory into account, if the observations were made from both spacecraft, they will agree that the distance between them increases at a rate measure 100,000 kilometers per second, instead of 80,000 kilometers per second.
Apparently this was impossible. It looks like a mockery. Readers suspect smells as if there is deceit. Predicting lest any hidden details. In fact, not at all! This result has nothing to do with the energy used to drive them.
Nothing wrong observations. As a result, nothing is lacking, faulty equipment or cable twist. Smooth, plain, not outwit. According to Einstein, the conclusions mentioned above solely as a result of the true nature of space and time can be calculated through the velocity composition formula affairs.
Seems to be a theoretical awesomeness, and indeed many years away from the "relativity theory" is like away from the hypothesis "ivory tower," as if that theory has no significance at all. No one - certainly not - make the mistake until 1945, when the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sweep. One of the conclusions "theory of relativity" Einstein is matter and energy are in a sense be balanced with and the relationship between the two is defined as E = mc2. E indicates the energy and m indicate the object's mass, while c is the speed of light. Well, because c is the same with 180,000 kilometers per second (that is a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (which means CXC) erratic course of the immense amount. As such means, although the conversion fraction of objects able to spend enormous amounts of energy.
Frivolous people just could never make an atom bomb or a nuclear power plant merely adhered to the formula E = mc2. It should also be studied deeply, many people play a vital role in the process of generating atomic energy. However, after all, Einstein's contribution was not doubting mind again. No one quarreled in this matter. Furthermore, none other than Einstein the person who wrote a letter to President Roosevelt in 1939, shows the opening of the possibility make atomic weapons and simultaneously emphasizes the importance for the United States as soon as possible make the weapon before it preceded Germany. The idea was then realize the "Manhattan Project" which could eventually create the first atomic bomb.
"The theory of special relativity" a warm inviting different opinion, but in one sense all agree, that theory is the most dubious idea that human beings ever formulated. However, everyone was fooled because the "theory of general relativity" Albert is the starting point of another mind that the influence of gravity is not due to physical strength in the usual sense, but rather a result of the curvature of space itself, an opinion which is very astonishing!
How can one measure the curvature of space?
Einstein was not simply to develop a theoretical, but poured into a mathematical formulation of clear and distinct so that people can make real predictions and testable hypothesis. The next observation - and this is the most brilliant because it is done when a total solar eclipse - has repeatedly believed to be the truth because it coincides completely with what Einstein said.
General theory of relativity stands apart in some respects with all scientific laws. First, Einstein did not formulate his theory on the basis of experiments, but on the basics of symmetry and mathematical subtlety. In short based on a rational basis as usual habits of the Greek philosophers and scholars middle of the century did. This means, different from Einstein's way with a view of modern methods of empirical scientists. However, the difference there as well: Greek thinkers in terms of beauty and symmetry craving never successfully manage and find a mechanical theory that is able to survive the trials testing the complex-complex, while Einstein was able to survive successfully on each trial. One result of this approach is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is considered a very beautiful, stylish, strong and intellectually satisfying all scientific theories.
The theory of general relativity is also in some ways stand separately. Most other scientific laws are only approximately valid. There are taxable in many ways, but not all. As for the general theory of relativity, all knowledge, fully accepted without exception. No state is unknown, both in terms of theoretical or practical experiments that show that prophecies general theory of relativity applies only in approx. Could have been experiments in the future ruin the good name of perfect results ever achieved by any theory, but as far as the general theory of relativity, clearly remains the most reliable approach for every scientist in his efforts toward final truth.
Although Einstein was very famous for its "theory of relativity" of his, the success of his work in other scientific fields as well as made famous scientist in every facet. In fact, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for physics in particular because of his written thoughts reveal the effects of photo-electric effect, an important phenomenon which previously was a puzzle the wise men. In Einstein's scientific writings prove the existence of photons, or particles of light.
Long-held assumption by experiments that halting said that light was composed of electro magnetic waves, and waves and particles are opposite concepts. While Einstein's hypothesis suggests a radical difference and so contrary to classical theories. Not only was the law of electric images shown to have important meaning in use, but the hypothesis about the photon have a major influence in the development of quantum theory (the hypothesis that in radiation, electron energy released is not continuous but in a certain amount) which is now part and parcel of that theory.
In terms of assessing the significance of Einstein, a comparison with the Isaac Newton is striking. Newton's theory is basically easy to understand, and his genius was shown in the beginning of the development. While the "theory of relativity" Einstein's extremely difficult to understand even by a careful explanation and caution. More-further complicate the matter if the original recap! When some of Newton's ideas clash with the scientific ideas of his time, his theory was never looks faded or wavered in his stance. Instead, "the theory of relativity" full of contradictory things. This is part of Einstein's genius that in the beginning, when the idea is still an untested hypothesis is put forward a dozen years as a young man who was entirely unknown, he never let the contradictions do exist and discard the theory. Instead instead she meticulously and carefully reflect on hold until he was able to show that this contradiction is only on the outer, while in fact every problem is always available to solve the contradiction in a subtle but clever and decisive.
Now, we consider Einstein's theory is basically a more "correct" than Newton's theory. If so for how Einstein placed Further down the list of the order of this book?
The reason is available. First, theories Newtonlah which is the foundation stone and cornerstone of modern science and technology. Without the work of Newton, we would not see today's modern technology. Instead of Einstein.
There is another factor that led to why Einstein's position in the order that the reader witnessed. In many ways, the development of an idea involving the contribution many people's minds. This is obvious for instance in the history of socialism affairs, or in the development of electric and magnetic theory. Although Einstein was not 100% formulated a "theory of relativity" with his own brain, which is definitely the most part does its share. It is fair to say that judging from the comparison of the significance of other ideas, theories of relativity came mainly from the creation of one, the genius and the topnotch, Einstein.
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Einstein discussed his theories. |
Einstein was born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany. He entered college in Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen in 1900. In 1905 he received a doctorate from the University of Zurich but (strangely) can not achieve an academic position at the time. In the same year he published a paper about the "relatively specialized," about the photo electric effect, and the theory of Brownian motion. In just a few short years these working papers, particularly those involving relativity, has been appointed one of his most brilliant scientists and most original in the world. His theories are very controversial. There was no world except Darwin scientist has ever created a controversial situation like Einstein. Due to that, in 1913 he was appointed professor at the University of Berlin and at the same time as Director of the Institute of Physics "Kaiser Wilhelm" and become a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. These positions are not tied to freely devote full time to investigations, whenever he likes.
The German government does not regret Einstein's flush with a long row of a special position because of exactly two years later, Einstein managed to formulate a "general theory of relativity," and in 1921 he received the Nobel Prize. Throughout the latter half of his life, Einstein became a byword of the world, and almost certainly he was a famous scientist ever born into the world.
Because Einstein was a Jew, his life in Germany became unsafe so Hitler rose to power. In 1933, she moved to Princeton, New Jersey, United States, working at the Institute for Advanced Studies High and in 1940 became a U.S. citizen. Einstein's first marriage ended in divorce, only the second marriage just seem happier. Have two children, both boys. Einstein died in 1955 at Princeton.
Einstein was always interested in the affairs of humanity the world around him and often expressed his political views. He is a steadfast fighter against the tyranny of the political system, a staunch pacifist movement, and an unwavering advocate of Zionism. In terms of dress and social customs that he was an individualist. Like humor, simple and no strings violin talent. The inscription on the gravestone Newton's tomb reads: "rejoice because the spirits had left for humanity ornament!" they are more subject to Einstein.
KONG HU-CU (551 SM - 479 SM)
No doubt, Kong Hu Cu-a great Chinese philosopher. And no one else, he was the first developer of the system combines the mind and the confidence of China's most fundamental. His philosophy concerns the morality of individuals and the conception of a government on ways to serve the people and ordered through the following exemplary behavior, have absorbed so flesh and blood life and culture of China for more than two thousand years. Moreover, it also affects other sebahagian world population.
Born around the year 551 BC in the small town of Lu, now entered the province of Shantung in northeastern China. In the widowed father of a young age, making life miserable in her mother's side. When leaving an adult he became a petty civil servant, but after a lapse of some years he decided to feel a lot better off alone. Throughout the next sixteen years-Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find the influences and philosophies fad followers. Stepping on the age of fifty years of his star began to shine because she can perch on the city government Lu.
The good fortune is not always friendly apparently because people are jealous with this act and the act was dragged into court so that not only managed to remove it from the chair position but also made him leave the city. No less than thirteen years of Kong Hu Cu-wandering foot step, so the itinerant teacher, just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.
Kong Hu Cu-often regarded as the founder of a religion, this assumption is certainly missed. He rarely associate with the divine teachings, rejecting talk of afterlife, and expressly deny any talk related to matters metaflsika. He-no more and no less a secular philosopher, just dealing with issues of political morality and personal morality and behavior.
There are two values are very important, said Kong Hu-Cu, which is "yen" and "Li:" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love," but they are more subject to be interpreted "The hospitality in a relationship with someone." "Li" is described as a combination of behaviors, of worship, customs, manners and politeness.
The cult of ancestors, the basic bin basically trust the Chinese even before the birth of Confucius-Cu, further strengthened again with the emphasis on loyalty to family and respect for parents. Teachings of Confucius-Cu also underlines the importance of necessity a wife respect and obey her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is somewhat different from the stories of Chinese people who always oppose every form of tyranny. Kong Hu Cu-sure, there is no other country to serve the interests of the people, not turned back. Not tired-jemunya Kong Hu Cu-emphasize that the ruler must rule first of all give you an example based on a model which moralists rather than through play hardball and kemplang. And one of the few legal doctrine similar to the "Golden Rule" his Christian who says "What you do not like others to do unto you, do not do."
The main point of view-Kong Hu Cu basically very conservative. According to his view, the golden era is past, and he urged both the ruler and the people to return home, stick to moral genah size, does not digress. The fact that there is not an easy matter at hand. The desire Kong Hu Cu-order rule is not playing the way she snapped, but by show of good role models are not so well in the early era. Therefore, Kong Hu Cu-closer to a reformer, an innovator rather than what is really so ideal.
Kong Hu Cu-life in the Chou Dynasty, a period menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the ruling was ignored altogether-petuahnya advice. Only after he wafatlah his teachings spread throughout the corner of China.
Berbetulan with the advent of Ch'in dynasty in 221 BC, had a very bleak future. Emperor Shih Huang Ti, First Emperor Ch'ing dynasty determined to clear-cutting round-adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut off the chain of contact the past. Issuance of order of the day menggencet creamed teachings Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror and professional thugs and troublemakers to do large-scale raids, seized all the books containing the teachings of Confucius-Cu and dicemplungkan into the campfire until it is destroyed to ashes. Depravity plan is apparently also not working. When the Ch'ing dynasty neared collapse, adherents of Confucius-Cu revived embers to rekindle his spirits and doctrines of Confucius-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianisme became the official state philosophy of China.
Starting from the Han dynasty, the emperors of China developed a system level by level selection for those who want to become civil servants by way of taking exams in order to become civil servants do not haphazard but people have good quality standards of skill and morale. Over time more and more directed and weighted selection: eye exam include basic philosophy of Confucius-Cu. Since the country is so pegawal ladder towards material wealth and social status keterangkatan, please understandable if among enthusiasts happen fierce battles fought for space. The next result, generations of air-frontman frontman Chinese intellectuals in great quantities up to his eyes dizzy realm of classical writings-Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries the Chinese civil servants of the people gaze rests on the philosophy of Confucius-Cu. This system (with a few interludes) lasted nearly two thousand years, starting in 100 BC to 1900 AD
But, Confucianisme not only the Chinese government's official philosophy, but also accepted and lived by most Chinese people, influential to the basics of their hearts, into the waveguide direction of thinking during a period of more than two thousand years.
There are several reasons why Confucianisme have such a tremendous influence on Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu Cu-no doubt. Second, he was a moderate and exceedingly practical and do not ask many things that people really could not be implemented. If Kong Hu Cu-wanted someone to be respected, that person should not bother to become a saint first. In this case, as in the case of the other teachings, he reflects and simultaneously translate the practical character of the Chinese people. Aspect is the possibility that the most basic factor of success of the teachings of Confucius-Cu. Kong Hu Cu-exceedingly not ask for much. For example he did not ask the Chinese to exchange the basics of old beliefs. In fact the opposite, Confucius-Cu in supporting clean with clear language so that they do not need to be shuffled. Apparently, no one anywhere in the world of philosophers such close contact in terms of views which are fundamental to the population as well as Hu-Cu Kong.
Confucianisme that emphasize a series of obligations are addressed to individuals rather than accentuate their rights-it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the Western world. As a philosophy of statehood seems incredible effective. Measured in terms of ability to maintain harmony and prosperity in the country of China in a period of not less than two thousand years, it is clear can be equated with other forms of government the best in the world.
The idea of philosophy Kong Hu Cu-rooted Chinese culture, not many influential outside the East Asia region. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence and is due to these two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.
Currently in a state Confucianisme Guram in China. The problem is, the Communist government tried desperately to link the minds of the population with the past is lost altogether. With a persistent and systematic Confucianisme pounded out so that the most likely one day not too far away from earth Confucianisme China. But since past, roots Confilcianisme riding plunged so deep in the earth of China, not the impossible, whether one hundred or one hundred and fifty lahun to come - some Chinese philosophers able to marry off two big ideas: Confucianisme and the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.
Born around the year 551 BC in the small town of Lu, now entered the province of Shantung in northeastern China. In the widowed father of a young age, making life miserable in her mother's side. When leaving an adult he became a petty civil servant, but after a lapse of some years he decided to feel a lot better off alone. Throughout the next sixteen years-Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find the influences and philosophies fad followers. Stepping on the age of fifty years of his star began to shine because she can perch on the city government Lu.
The good fortune is not always friendly apparently because people are jealous with this act and the act was dragged into court so that not only managed to remove it from the chair position but also made him leave the city. No less than thirteen years of Kong Hu Cu-wandering foot step, so the itinerant teacher, just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.
Kong Hu Cu-often regarded as the founder of a religion, this assumption is certainly missed. He rarely associate with the divine teachings, rejecting talk of afterlife, and expressly deny any talk related to matters metaflsika. He-no more and no less a secular philosopher, just dealing with issues of political morality and personal morality and behavior.
There are two values are very important, said Kong Hu-Cu, which is "yen" and "Li:" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love," but they are more subject to be interpreted "The hospitality in a relationship with someone." "Li" is described as a combination of behaviors, of worship, customs, manners and politeness.
The cult of ancestors, the basic bin basically trust the Chinese even before the birth of Confucius-Cu, further strengthened again with the emphasis on loyalty to family and respect for parents. Teachings of Confucius-Cu also underlines the importance of necessity a wife respect and obey her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is somewhat different from the stories of Chinese people who always oppose every form of tyranny. Kong Hu Cu-sure, there is no other country to serve the interests of the people, not turned back. Not tired-jemunya Kong Hu Cu-emphasize that the ruler must rule first of all give you an example based on a model which moralists rather than through play hardball and kemplang. And one of the few legal doctrine similar to the "Golden Rule" his Christian who says "What you do not like others to do unto you, do not do."
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Hu-tale cu Kong meeting (left) with Lao Tzu |
Kong Hu Cu-life in the Chou Dynasty, a period menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the ruling was ignored altogether-petuahnya advice. Only after he wafatlah his teachings spread throughout the corner of China.
Berbetulan with the advent of Ch'in dynasty in 221 BC, had a very bleak future. Emperor Shih Huang Ti, First Emperor Ch'ing dynasty determined to clear-cutting round-adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut off the chain of contact the past. Issuance of order of the day menggencet creamed teachings Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror and professional thugs and troublemakers to do large-scale raids, seized all the books containing the teachings of Confucius-Cu and dicemplungkan into the campfire until it is destroyed to ashes. Depravity plan is apparently also not working. When the Ch'ing dynasty neared collapse, adherents of Confucius-Cu revived embers to rekindle his spirits and doctrines of Confucius-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianisme became the official state philosophy of China.
Starting from the Han dynasty, the emperors of China developed a system level by level selection for those who want to become civil servants by way of taking exams in order to become civil servants do not haphazard but people have good quality standards of skill and morale. Over time more and more directed and weighted selection: eye exam include basic philosophy of Confucius-Cu. Since the country is so pegawal ladder towards material wealth and social status keterangkatan, please understandable if among enthusiasts happen fierce battles fought for space. The next result, generations of air-frontman frontman Chinese intellectuals in great quantities up to his eyes dizzy realm of classical writings-Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries the Chinese civil servants of the people gaze rests on the philosophy of Confucius-Cu. This system (with a few interludes) lasted nearly two thousand years, starting in 100 BC to 1900 AD
But, Confucianisme not only the Chinese government's official philosophy, but also accepted and lived by most Chinese people, influential to the basics of their hearts, into the waveguide direction of thinking during a period of more than two thousand years.
There are several reasons why Confucianisme have such a tremendous influence on Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu Cu-no doubt. Second, he was a moderate and exceedingly practical and do not ask many things that people really could not be implemented. If Kong Hu Cu-wanted someone to be respected, that person should not bother to become a saint first. In this case, as in the case of the other teachings, he reflects and simultaneously translate the practical character of the Chinese people. Aspect is the possibility that the most basic factor of success of the teachings of Confucius-Cu. Kong Hu Cu-exceedingly not ask for much. For example he did not ask the Chinese to exchange the basics of old beliefs. In fact the opposite, Confucius-Cu in supporting clean with clear language so that they do not need to be shuffled. Apparently, no one anywhere in the world of philosophers such close contact in terms of views which are fundamental to the population as well as Hu-Cu Kong.
Confucianisme that emphasize a series of obligations are addressed to individuals rather than accentuate their rights-it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the Western world. As a philosophy of statehood seems incredible effective. Measured in terms of ability to maintain harmony and prosperity in the country of China in a period of not less than two thousand years, it is clear can be equated with other forms of government the best in the world.
The idea of philosophy Kong Hu Cu-rooted Chinese culture, not many influential outside the East Asia region. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence and is due to these two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.
Currently in a state Confucianisme Guram in China. The problem is, the Communist government tried desperately to link the minds of the population with the past is lost altogether. With a persistent and systematic Confucianisme pounded out so that the most likely one day not too far away from earth Confucianisme China. But since past, roots Confilcianisme riding plunged so deep in the earth of China, not the impossible, whether one hundred or one hundred and fifty lahun to come - some Chinese philosophers able to marry off two big ideas: Confucianisme and the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.
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